Acupuncture for Musicians
In the music world, injuries may occur frequently as musicians are often pushing beyond their limits. Inadequate rest, unhealthy eating habits, improper posture and mental and emotional strain compound this problem. With a musician’s hectic lifestyle, adequate time is often not allowed for the body to heal. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory (especially steroids) medications to dull the aches and pains are often used. It’s a quick and easy approach, but only a temporary fix.
By covering up pain, stiffness, swelling, or aches, you may be masking a deeper problem. These are signals from your body telling you that something is weakened and out of balance. These warning signals are telling you to stop, rest, and heal.
In the short term, medication may enable you to return to your instrument, and carry on with your life, but in the long run, it may make your problem worse. Regular use of medication may contribute to further injury, and cause you to have unwarranted side effects that could greatly impact performance, creativity, endurance, and vitality.
Acupuncture is a time-tested, safe, natural and drug-free health care system that can provide immediate relief and long lasting benefits. It can help you return to your peak performance level by restoring the proper and continuous flow of vital energy called Qi(pronounced chee). Qi circulates within a series of pathways called Meridians. Meridians disperse Qi throughout your body, providing nourishment for every tissue, muscle and tendon. The circulating Qi supports, strengthens, and enlivens your entire body, supplying you with the power to perform, good health, and pain-free living.
As a musician, you may experience physical trauma, sprain, over-exertion, repetitive injury, and emotional strain. All of these issues disrupt the flow of Qi in various ways. Imagine a blockage in a hose that cuts off the valuable supply of water to a plant. The proper flow and quantity of water is required in order for the plant to reach its fullest potential. Over time, if the plant does not receive adequate nourishment, it will wither and waste away. Likewise, if the flow of Qi is disrupted, blocked, or out of balance, it will not circulate freely within your meridian pathways. When this occurs, it can lead to a variety of symptoms and signs including pain, swelling, stiffness, limited range of motion, loss of voice, fatigue, and insomnia. This can result in less-than optimal health that will most definitely hinder your performance.
By inserting fine sterile needles at specific locations, an acupuncturist is able to break up any blockages that have affected the smooth flow of Qi. Once this is done, Qi can travel freely throughout the body, promoting pain-free health, vitality and well being so that you can return to your peak performance.
At Steady Acupuncture, acupuncture is just a part of a broad-based approach for optimum musician’s health. Our treatments may be combined with other therapies such as herbs to naturally eliminate pain and reduce inflammation, stretching and exercise to increase muscle strength and joint mobility, and massage to enhance soft tissue healing. Also, some postural information and some relaxation techniques will be recommended.